The Youth Ministry at Flint First Meets our Core Values
Christ Centered: In youth, we are teaching our students to know why they believe what they believe. We feel that it is important for them not just to have knowledge to be able to defend their faith when they are challenged in school and the secular world, but also to have enough confidence in their faith to not be persuaded away. We do this by meeting regularly.
We desire to put Youth in positions with responsibility and leadership, including leading/teaching opportunities during youth. We have several teens serve in the Tech Booth and on the Praise Team each week. In addition, we have had teens lead youth through the summer months.
The youth have several opportunities to plug into Discipleship. We have small groups that meet Wednesday Nights. In addition, we encourage the teens to be active in their Bible Reading through devotions in the Bible App and Daily Bible Readings.
We would not be able to do anything without prayer. We pray in each of our meeting times, and teach on the importance of prayer.
In addition to several domestic youth mission trip opportunities we’ve offered the teens, the teens are invited to attend the International Mission Trips offered by the church. Plus, we participate in the Food Bank and other monthly outreach events that the church coordinates through the Mission Team.
5 Core Values
Every thing we do at Flint First Wesleyan Church will be: